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Develop a Winning Admissions Strategy with Our College Application Services
Admissions Angle is here to provide application assistance to students to maximize their chances of admission to their dream college.
Crafting Your Unique Admissions Angle

The college application process takes a student’s entire high school career and distills it into a packet of papers that admissions officers will read for a matter of minutes. Your window for making an impression is small, so it’s important to have a focused message that stands out.

For top schools, applications won’t even be looked at closely if you don’t have the Academic Index (SAT/ACT scores + GPA) that they’re looking for, so of course, the student’s academic achievement matters here. But unfortunately, scores are not enough. There are plenty of students with perfect SAT or ACT scores that get rejected from top schools, primarily because they don’t have a focused message or sufficient extracurricular activities. This is where having an Admissions Angle can help.

For students who work with us in our Mentorship Services, the Admissions Angle strategy has been premeditated for years, so senior year is all about the execution and visibility of the applications. For anyone coming to us by the end of junior or senior year for college admissions consulting, the process becomes a bit more urgent and less organic.

The best way to craft an Angle later on in the game is to reverse engineer it based on the student’s existing extracurricular profile. This may mean suggesting that the student applies for a major that they don’t necessarily want to apply for because their academics and extracurricular involvement just don’t support it. In the end, the major choice is the student’s but he/she should remember that for most institutions, it’s not that difficult to change majors, and if it is difficult, it’s worth the extra effort later on. An Admissions Angle is a strategy to give them the best admissions outcome possible.

Our Mission

Just like our Mentorship Services, we believe that consistent contact and a personal relationship with our students lead to the best outcomes. During senior year, we often call or chat with our students multiple times a week to guide them in setting short-term goals and brainstorming ideas for their essays. Our College Application Services focus on providing the students with assistance on the following:

  • Crafting an Admissions Angle
  • College list and deciding on Earlies
  • Personal statement and resume
  • Social Media Check
  • College Essay Workshop
  • Essay Brainstorming and Editing
  • Application checks
  • Timeline of deadlines and To-do lists
Our Services
12th Grade
No two students are alike, which is why Admissions Angle offers bespoke strategies for your unique goals. Whether a student is looking to sharpen their personal statement, build a strategy for supplemental essays, or receive full support from start to finish, Admissions Angle mentors are ready to meet you where you are.
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While transfer students are often under-represented in the admissions process, we are strong proponents of non-traditional paths and are experienced at helping students transition to four-year programs. Whether a student is looking for prestige or value, Admissions Angle has a transfer strategy for you.
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Admissions Angle General Application Schedule
April – May
Resume, personal statement, recommendations, finalize Admissions Angle
College essay workshop, student questionnaire, brainstorm main essays rough drafts
Essay archetypes
Fill out common applications and rough drafts of supplement essays
Finalize main essay, college list, and early school decision
Submit all early applications including supplementary materials and continue working on supplemental essays
Continue working on supplemental essays, submit UC applications and early school interviews
Finalize all supplemental essays, submit all regular decision applications
Follow up on all schools, prepare additional letters of rec and regular school interviews